
What are cookies and how do they work?

Cookies are small text files that are downloaded to your computer or other electronic device when you first visit a website.

This is information about the user that is stored in the web browser that accesses the website and is then used for different purposes when you visit the same website again. Certain cookies are essential for the functioning of websites, while others provide a better user experience, make websites easier to use and display offers according to the user's preferences.

The purposes of the individual cookies used by this website are described in more detail in the tables below.

All cookies, with the exception of essential cookies, are only placed on your web browser with your explicit consent.

Types and purpose of cookies

We use cookies on our website.

You can change your choice about the use of cookies on our website at any time by selecting Cookie settings in the link below and then editing your preferences.

Mandatory cookies

Mandatory cookies are strictly necessary for the operation of the website and do not collect any personal data. Without these cookies, certain services you wish to use on this website would not work properly, so they will always be set.

Analytical cookies

Analytical cookies record visitors' activities on our website. We use them to analyse traffic (visitor counts, browser identification and time spent on the site, navigation problems, etc.). They help us to develop a website tailored to your needs and to improve your user experience.

Third party cookies

These cookies are set by external partners (YouTube ...) for functionality that is integrated into the website via a plugin. They can be used by the partner companies to create a profile of your interests, which is then used to display relevant advertisements on other websites.


1. Mandatory cookies

Service Cookie name (Storage period in the browser) Cookie description Administrator klaro (1 year) These cookies are used to store information about the settings related to the use of cookies on the site. Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia

2. Web analytics cookies

Service Cookie name (Storage period in the browser) Cookie description Administrator _gid (1 day) Web analytics using Google Universal Analytics. Cookie, used to group user behaviour for each user. Google _ga (2 years) Web analytics using Google Universal Analytics. Cookie used to track visitors. Google Analytics identifies users with a unique identifier called a "client id". This id is stored along with other parameters in the _ga cookie. Google _gat (1 min) This cookie is used to control the frequency of requests to Google Analytics to increase the efficiency of network calls. Google
Hotjar _hjIncludedInSample (1 year)
_hjid (365 days)
_hjTLDTest (Duration of session)
_hjFirstSeen (Duration of session)
_hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress (30 minutes)
Hotjar cookies allow us to monitor the interaction and use of the website. By analysing this data, we can improve the user experience on our website. They help us understand which pages are more or less interesting and how users move around the site. All the information obtained by Hotjar cookies is aggregated and therefore anonymous. If you do not allow the use of these cookies, it will not be possible to adapt the website accordingly in order to optimise the user experience. Hotjar

3. Third party cookies

Service Cookie name (Storage period in the browser) Cookie description Administrator Demographics (6 months)
ACTIVITY (Duration of session)
use_hitbox (10 years)
PREF (8 months)
YSC (Duration of session)
YouTube videos are uploaded to the website in what is known as 'privacy-enhanced mode'. This mode does not set any cookies until you press the play button. When you start playing a clip, YouTube may set a cookie, but the information does not reveal your privacy. YouTube

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