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ROG Centre after renovation
26. 10. 2023

ZVKDS: The renovated Rog factory

25. 10. 2023

ZVKDS: Triglav panoramas

5. 10. 2023

ZVKDS: Wooden Rajta

5. 10. 2023

ZVKDS: First discoveries of the SNG Drama

14. 8. 2023

ZVKDS: UJMA 2023 - Begunje

20. 7. 2023

ZVKDS: Restored orangery of Dornava Manor

30. 6. 2023

ZVKDS: New archaeological discoveries on the route of the construction of the 3rd development axis

Koper, Gravisi Tiepolo Palace, after renovation
7. 6. 2023

ZVKDS: Renovation of the GRAVISI TIEPOLO Palace in Koper

19. 4. 2023

ZVKDS: Public lighting in Škofja Loka

8. 3. 2023

ZVKDS: Heritage layers

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