
Landscaping of the park next to Villa Kobi

The landscaping of the park at Villa Kobi is important because of its role in the natural and cultural heritage. The park and the villa are located directly on the Ljubljanica River, which is a natural heritage site (it is also a cultural and archaeological monument of national importance). There are currently no parks or suitable playgrounds in the area. The project will bring together local residents and provide opportunities for quality leisure time. The existing public health programme in the villa will be extended with an outdoor programme. The existing infrastructure will be used and various events will be organised to strengthen local awareness and promote tourism development. Information boards are planned to be created to give a detailed presentation of the park, the villa and the Ljubljanica river. It is planned to carry out maintenance work in the park (paths, road, planting), to install urban equipment (information boards, litter bins, benches) and to develop a children's playground. A brochure will also be designed and printed to serve as information material about the park.

- to improve the quality of life of local residents by improving the external space

- preserve the natural and cultural landscape

- to involve people from different vulnerable groups in order to strengthen the social capital of the area and social integration among the population

- maintenance works on the road and along the road entrance ramp

- carrying out maintenance work in the park

- children's playground

- preparing content for information boards
- design, printing, production and installation of signage
- design and printing of the prospectus
- organising the opening

- a landscaped and accessible outdoor area

- Preserving natural and cultural heritage

- information boards to help raise awareness of the importance of the park

- a brochure about the park, which will help to make the area more attractive to visitors
- greater social integration among the population



Relevant information for owners gathered in one place.

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