
For knowledge

Here you will find scientific and popular content, produced to help people understand the significance of the historic environment and thus our mission to protect heritage. All our authors are experts in their chosen field. Their work inspires, informs and educates.

Unfortunately, not all materials are published in English, and translations are therefore not available.

Regulations and literature on spatial planning and building construction

Regulations and literature on spatial planning and building construction

New editions


The Church of St Helena in Gradišče near Divača. International Summer School on Conservation-Restoration of Wall Paintings - Gradišče Summer School 2021-2023

Multilingual publication on the three-year International Summer School on Conservation-Restoration of Murals. Authors from six participating institutions from Slovenia, Italy, Croatia and Switzerland present the church, the history of its building development and renovations, and the planning and implementation of conservation and restoration interventions on the murals.

IPCHS Library

The IPCHS Library is a special library that supports the work and research process of its parent institution. Within the framework of its library activities, it builds up a collection in the fields of restoration, conservation, artistic techniques, architecture, building, sculpture, painting and archaeology.

Distribution of publications

For information on the availability of publications produced by the ZVKDS, please contact

ZVKDS Development Office, Metelkova 4, Ljubljana.

T: 01 400 79 27


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