Cover image for the CPA Monographs video

CPA Monographs

The Centre for Preventive Archaeology of the ZVKDS prepares the CPA Monographs, through which it informs the professional and lay public about completed projects in the broader field of preliminary archaeological research. The collection presents
the sites and finds discovered, as well as new theoretical insights.

Issues issued

Dolsko - Spodnje Škovce

Roman burial site at Zgornji Hajdina

Roman burial site at Zgornji Hajdina

Magdalenska Gora Windstorm in 2013

Magdalenska Gora Windstorm in 2013

Archaeological research for the reconstruction of 5 Prekomorska Street in Ptuj

Archaeological research for the reconstruction of 5 Prekomorska Street in Ptuj

Puče Archaeological research in 2012 and 201

Puče Archaeological research in 2012 and 2011

Archaeological perspectives on medieval urbanity

Archaeological perspectives on medieval urbanity

Borl Castle Archaeological research in 2019

Borl Castle, Archaeological research in 2019

Kranj, Kieselstein - north courtyard.

Kranj, Kieselstein - north courtyard

Pottery in Petoviona

Pottery in Petoviona

Protestant Church in Govče Protective archaeological excavations in 2011 and 2012

Protestant church in Govče

Dominican Monastery ptuj

Dominican Monastery in Ptuj

Loss of value of the archaeological record: possibilities and ways of assessment

Loss of value of the archaeological record: possibilities and ways of assessment

Minimum standards for the performance of preliminary archaeological investigations

Minimum standards for the performance of preliminary archaeological investigations

Prisoners of war of Tsarist Russia in the First World War on Slovenian territory

Prisoners of war of Tsarist Russia in the First World War on Slovenian territory

New discoveries between the Alps and the Black Sea, proceedings Ptuj

New discoveries between the Alps and the Black Sea

Archaeology of sinkholes

Archaeology of sinkholes in the karst

Miren A burial site from the Migration Period

Miren A burial site from the Migration Period

Scripta, B. Djurić

Scripta in Honorem Bojan Djurić


Smlednik Castle Research 2011-2012

Editorial address:

Centre for Preventive Archaeology ZVKDS

Poljanska cesta 4o
SI-1000 Ljubljana

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