Cover image for the European Heritage Days video

European Heritage Days

European Heritage Days, as the name suggests, are a joint action of a number of European countries under the auspices of the Council of Europe and the European Commission. Almost every year, a new community joins the participants, and each year again the organisers choose a variety of themes to present Europe's cultural heritage to the local public, Europeans and the world. The publications that follow each year's events are designed to present different segments of the heritage, and are at the same time a permanent reminder of the European Cultural Heritage Days that took place in Slovenia.

They contain contributions from various scientific disciplines and disciplines, ranging from archaeology, ethnology, art history, architecture, landscape architecture, conservation, restoration, and many other disciplines.


Issues issued

Architect Jože Plečnik, guide to monuments

The Architect Jože Plečnik, Guide to Monuments

Primož Trubar and his time, a guide to monuments

Castles, forts and town walls

100 years for heritage

100 years for heritage

20th century: architecture from modern to contemporary

20th Century Architecture: From Modernist to Contemporary

Intangible cultural heritage

Restoring original images Restoration interventions

The ground beneath your feet, archaeology on Slovenia's highways

The Earth Beneath Your Feet, Archaeology on the Motorways in Slovenia

Cultural Routes 2000, a guide to monuments

Cultural Routes 2000, Guide to Monuments

Cultural Routes 1999, guide to monuments

Cultural Routes 1999, Guide to Monuments

Early industrial architecture in Slovenia

Medieval cities

Mediaeval Towns

Along the trails of Slovenian folk architecture; Slovenian/English edition

The Cultural Heritage of the Monastic Orders; Slovenian/English edition

On the Trails of Roman Soldiers in Slovenia; Slovenian/English edition

On the trail of Slovenia's Baroque monuments

The Baroque Monuments of Slovenia

Art Nouveau architecture in Slovenia

Art Nouveau Architecture in Slovenia

Historical parks and gardens in Slovenia; Slovenian/English edition

Editorial Board

Jerneja Batič, the founding coordinator of the European Heritage Days in Slovenia, conceived the EHD collection as a permanent reminder of the themes and events that took place in each year. Damijana Slabe, who took over the coordination of the EHD from her, edited the following 6 titles, and Nataša Gorenc has been coordinating the EHD and editing the collection since 2006.


Editorial address:

Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia
European Heritage Days - Editorial
Metelkova 4
SI-1000 Ljubljana
Editor: Nataša Gorenc,

Distribution of publications: IPCHS Development Service

EHD 2024

European Heritage Days and Heritage Week

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